Hey, did you notice...?
SeeClickFix is the website to tell the city that something needs attention. It can be used for streetlights, potholes, water leaks, sidewalks, tree limbs, and much more. Anyone can use it. The City of Pinellas Park is very quick responding to these concerns.
Our Watering Schedule
We are back to normal watering schedule of three days a week depending on your address. See the City of Pinellas Park Watering Schedule for specific days. Watering of any kind is only allowed between 4 pm and 10 am.
Community Management Agent
Terra Management Services
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On November 1, 2024, Terra launched a new portal for homeowners called Vantaca. The website is home.terramanagers.com. If you aren't on the new site or haven't received an email to join, contact Terra Management at the above email or phone.